What is IoT or M2M? IoT, or the Internet of Things, and M2M, or Machine to Machine, is the ability of even the least significant component of anything to communicate to another device or a controller. Everything from a soil moisture sensor for farming, emergency vehicle networks, HVAC systems phoning home to request maintenance, and everything in between. This is where the data connection between end points comes into play. If you need a cellular data plan to connect remote and mobile endpoints then you’ve come to the right place.
Do you need gigs of data or just kbs? What rate of data do you need? Latency sensitive? We here at Always Connect Solutions are experts at crafting the correct plan for your solution. Ranging from kb plans to Unlimited LTE offerings, we can find the right fit for you- worldwide.
The cellular M2M space is noisy and confusing. Let us help you filter through the static with our best-of-breed offerings from T-Mobile and Verizon. Need hardware? We are an authorized dealer of Cradlepoint and Panorama antennas.
Whatever your need, we can help. Call us at 208-960-2100 or click on ‘Get A Quote’ on our website alwaysconnectsolutions.com